Astrological Predictions For All Moon Signs For 2011

Moon sign predictions for all the signs of zodiac have been framed as per Vedic astrology. The main parameters that have been considered while making the predictions are the planetary positions vis-à-vis the natal position of Moon in the horoscope during the year 2011.


Good news for those who are planning to get married or who are in search of companion or life partner. The period after May, 2011 is good for soul-mate to enter as life partner.

Professionally, things may remain tough till May, 2011 but improvement may be noticeable after that. Major challenge causing obstacle in professional life may be relationship with seniors at workplace. Here again situations may ease out after May, 2011. Some career-related changes may be expected after November, 2011.

Natives of Aries may be interested in investing in property during the year. Speculative or risky investment should, however, be avoided especially before May, 2011. Gain from stocks is indicated towards the year-end. The time is good for those who are planning foreign travel or immigration. Health will be an area of concern and may need extra-attention and constant vigil.

Lucky days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, Lucky numbers are 2, 3, 6 and 9. Lucky colors are brown and maroon. They have compatible relationship with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.


Time is right for resolving all differences within the family because domestic tension is indicated in the horoscope. It is important for the natives to avoid harsh words and bitter arguments for problem resolution.

The year brings good news for those couples who are planning to have a child. The period is especially good for this till May, 2011. However, some health-related issues may create problems. It will be prudent to avoid tensions during the year and work for peaceful environment at home and office.

Investors should remain cautious while investing in property. Proper survey of projects should be done before investing. Some natives may have windfall gains during the year. Legal resolution of pending issues is also indicated. Chance of foreign travel is indicated after November, 2011.

Lucky colors are white and sky blue. Lucky days are Fridays and Saturdays and lucky numbers are 3, 6 and 9. They are compatible with Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.


For Gemini natives, the year may be very important. They may witness changes in career, residence etc. during the year. Professional betterment is the promise of the horoscope. Career-related changes may take effect after November, 2011. Marital discord is indicated and for precaution it is better to exercise restraint and avoid arguments. It may be necessary till May, 2011. Situations may improve after that.

Gains from speculation and investment are possible for some during the year. Caution should be exercised while investing in property. Lavish investment in expensive cars is possible by some natives.

It will be important for Gemini natives to remain cautious about health during the year. They should spend some time in gyms or doing yoga. Needless tension should be avoided at all cost.

Lucky color is green. The lucky day is Wednesday. Lucky numbers are 3, 5 and 9. They are compatible with Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius.


Traveling is likely for natives of Cancer especially during the first-half of the year. Gain from elders and people placed in high authorities looks possible. Unnecessary arguments are to be avoided. There should be a clear focus on career and professional growth. The year will reward their efforts.

Better options for career-growth and likelihood of professional gains exist in the second half of the year. 2011 may be good for those who are planning job-change. The period after May, 2011 may bring in good opportunities and good time for action.

The year is good for investment in property. They may have good options for property buying after November, 2011. Some of the natives may also invest in conveyance. It is better to stay away from stock market and risky investment.

Lucky colors are white and cream. Lucky day is Monday. Lucky numbers are 2, 7 and 9 and compatible signs are Aries, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.


Family discords are indicated for Leo natives. All possible caution should be taken to keep the anger under control because anger may further complicate matters. Avoid arguments, remain calm and keep patience during the year.

Many Leos may find time for traveling abroad. If the natives have any foreign assignment in mind or are planning for settling abroad, the period after May, 2011 will open new doors and opportunities. Professionally, things seem to be good for most natives. Period after November, 2011 is suitable for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Investments may take diverse pattern. There may be investments in property, stocks and the like. Initially, investments may not seem to yield desired profit, but after May, 2011 investments will start paying. Some natives may also gain from stock market.

Lucky colors are pink, red and orange. Lucky days are Sundays and Tuesdays. The lucky numbers are 1, 4 and 8 and compatible signs are Gemini and Scorpio.


Virgos may witness many changes during 2011 including changes in job and residence. Health of mother or maternal relatives may be a cause of concern for some. This may be a cause of worry.

The year is good for sorting out all outstanding issues in personal and family life. The changes in overall situations are going to affect significantly for a longer period. This may have positive impact in the long run. Financially, things seem to be favorable after November, 2011.

The time is good for Virgos planning for marriage or those seeking permanency in relationship. However, they should see that marriage gets solemnized by May, 2011. The newly-married may face adjustment problems after May, 2011. This can be resolved by seeking guidance from friends and family members.

Lucky color is Green. The lucky day is Wednesday. Lucky numbers are 5, 3 and 9. The compatible signs are Gemini and Sagittarius.


The year is good for those with high aspirations. They may be able to achieve their desired goals. Librans shall have their say in almost every sphere of life which may include business, finance or career. It is like Midas-touch. Whatever they touch will become gold. The period after November, 2011 may prove to be highly eventful.

The year is good for entrepreneurs also. The period after May, 2011 is good for marriage, alliance, relationships or new partnerships. Situations may not remain bright before May, 2011. Luck shall enter into life after May, 2011.

Time is good for planning foreign travel. The year is also good for seeking foreign assignments and for settlement in foreign country. Health may be a cause of concern during the first half of 2011.

Lucky colors are white and sky-blue. Lucky numbers are 3, 6 and 9. Lucky day is Friday. Compatible signs are Aries and Sagittarius.


The year is good for cultivating new relationships. Possibility of long-lasting friendship exists in the horoscope. The year is good for planning children. Natives of Scorpio may be blessed with a child during the year.

Possibility of gains from foreign lands exists. If planning for foreign settlement or travel, the time after November, 2011 is good. The year is also good for those who are in the process of improving career prospects. They can take up a new course and appear for competitive examinations. They may have a chance for job-change in the first half of 2011.

Financially, the year is very good. Investments may yield handsome returns. Promotions and financial increments may also materialize during the year. There may be windfall gains from various sources.

Lucky color is red. Lucky numbers are 3, 6 and 9. Lucky day is Tuesday. Compatible signs are Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.


The year is going to be eventful for natives of Sagittarius. The focus will remain on career building and family matters. They will be able to make an impact on both.

The year is good for buying new property. Investment in luxuries is also possible. The year is good for fulfillment of all material desires. Financially, things may be better from November, 2011.

Job conditions may improve for some natives. The period after May, 2011 may be important for financial gains. They may get it in the form of promotion or a pay hike. Health concerns can be there for some which may need attention. There can be gains from travel.

Lucky colors are cream and orange. Lucky day is Thursday. The lucky numbers are 3, 6 and 9. The compatible signs are Gemini and Pisces.


Natives of Capricorn may remain on toes throughout the year. Things may be hectic both in professional arena as well as personal life. There may be lack of focus on family and pertinent problems. They should take care of their health and family concerns particularly during the first half of 2011.

The year may prove to be lucky with respect to career and finance for natives of this sign. They will be able to do well in both after May, 2011. Expenses are also likely to soar during the year. They may expect promotion or financial increment after November, 2011.

The period after May, 2011 is good for investment in property. However, possibility of loss exists. Care should be exercised in choosing property and finalizing deals.

Lucky color is sky blue. Lucky day is Saturday. Lucky numbers are 1, 4 and 8 and compatible signs are Libra and Pisces.


The year 2011 is eventful for the natives of this sign also. Possibility of change in career and residence exists for the natives during the year. The changes may become more pronounced after May, 2011.

There may be gains from elders and from people placed in authority. The natives may have to suffer from enmity arising from professional arena this year. However, the year is good for finances. There may be gains from various quarters including windfall gains from inheritance. Period after November, 2011 is good for traveling and for gains from boss.

Health may be a cause of concern for some which may need attention. Some natives may suffer from depression or anxiety which may be removed by yoga or meditation.

Lucky color is sky blue. Lucky days are Friday and Saturday. Lucky numbers are 1, 4, 8 and compatible signs are Taurus and Sagittarius.


For the natives of Pisces, 2011 is going to be an eventful year. The key areas of focus for them will be career and family life. They may have to work hard during the year to make an impact. They may see improvement in career prospects and family welfare with effort.

Many changes during the year may perturb them. Things may look uncertain initially and they will not be sure of their steps. But, things may look more certain after May, 2011 and they will march with confident steps.

Natives of Pisces may have health-concerns caused by anxiety and depression during the year. There may also be relationship problems. Health of spouse or partner may also be a cause of concern. Piscean should remain extra-cautious about these matters particularly after November, 2011.

Lucky colors are yellow and cream. Lucky days are Thursday and Monday. Lucky numbers are 3, 6 and 9 and compatible signs are Sagittarius, Capricorn and Taurus.

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